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We need your help to help all the awesome and struggling local businesses in all our neighborhoods during this challenging time. Working together we can not only help them, but also help ourselves in turn - by making it easier to find (and know) exactly which businesses, services, restaurants and places are open, what “social distancing” measures they are practicing and their preferrred ways to be contacted, pickup, curbside and/or delivery policies, etc.

We're a Chicago-based Tech firm and have a larger plan for more aggressively and proactively helping small, local businesses, but this website will serve as ground zero for accomplishing that. First, we need to share information (perhaps our greatest resource) and then we are planning to launch a Mobile App that will help us quickly roll out phase 2.

So please share this website and since businesses are probably overwhelmed right now trying to figure out how best to survive, feel free to create a quick, free account and start posting businesses, their address (or we'll find it if you post it) and the hours they are open.